for families, WAITING is torture

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Guantanamo man's child appeals to Barack Obama to release dadSaif Aamer.jpg.display.jpg

"I am nine-years-old and I never met my daddy. At school I get bullied a lot, they say bad things about my daddy, and I become very upset and cry. I am telling you my problem because you are the only one who can bring him back. I feel sorry for my dad because he gets tortured I have never seen him and I want to really see him and only you can let him free so please let him free I want to play with him so let him free."

- Faris Aamer, youngest child of Shaker Aamer, held at Guantanamo since Rebruary 2002 but never charged with any offence


Why the US government is reluctant to allow the release of Shaker Aamer

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This page contains a single entry published on May 26, 2011 3:40 PM.

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