c/o Justice Watch:
It's hardly surprising that Yoo would take this opportunity to rush to his own defense.
He and other torture apologists saw this instance [Bin Laden's death]Â as their last, best hope for justifying the ethically and morally repulsive policies of torture, but their arguments fall flat on basic facts and basic morality.
The architects of the Bush Justice Department's "Torture Memos" have wasted little time in claiming that their endorsement of torture helped pave the way for the successful assault on Osama bin Laden's final hiding place in Pakistan...
It's hardly surprising that Yoo would take this opportunity to rush to his own defense.
He and other torture apologists saw this instance [Bin Laden's death]Â as their last, best hope for justifying the ethically and morally repulsive policies of torture, but their arguments fall flat on basic facts and basic morality.