the Unjustifiable Defense of Torture

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With the reported assassination of Osama bin Laden, one of the most alarming responses has been a kind of casual and widespread acceptance that the death of  America's number one bogeyman would not have been achieved without the use of torture...

Torture remains illegal, as well as counter-productive, and attempts to revive it as a topic for "debate" are as vile and unprincipled as attempts to claim that the death of Osama bin Laden somehow justifies the ongoing existence of Guantánamo.

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About this Entry

This page contains a single entry published on May 5, 2011 12:14 PM.

Twenty years of American bombing, invasion, occupation and torture: Let us not forget what "humanitarian intervention" looks like was the previous entry in this blog.

Glenn Greenwald: why it is more important than ever to repudiate the Bush regime is the next entry in this blog.

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