confronting the U.S. Torturer Protection Program

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Supreme Court rejects suit against John Ashcroft

"The abuses and crimes of the Bush regime and their continuance under Obama will not be stopped by any official action of the U.S. government. Only a massive movement of millions of people can halt these crimes and hold those responsible for them accountable. This latest court decision is just one more example of the system continuing to "legalize" these crimes and abuses.

-- Kenneth J. Theisen


November 2007, c/o Michael Siegel: 

At Cornell University  over 150 people expressed their resistance to the policies of John Ashcroft and the War on Terror through creative, silent protest. Over 70 placed hoods on their heads, stood and turned their backs to Ashcroft when he tried to justify his repressive actions post-9/11. 


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This page contains a single entry published on June 1, 2011 1:56 PM.

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