The point is...in the face of what we confront, to fight and win. That's the real objective: not just to make statements, no matter how noble but to destroy the system that oppresses us. By any means available to us. And to do this, we must be connected, in contact and communication with those in struggle on the outside. We must be mutually supporting because we're all in this together. It's all one struggle at base.
As we approach the 40th Anniversary of the Attcia Prison Uprisng, we shoukd remember this --- Prisons, those sites of pain, punishment and profit, have always been well-springs of resistance too. This is resistance that has come from the outside yes, but perhaps most significantly resistance arises within the walls.
The repression has been well-documented -- This diary is for the resisters. It is for all those inside the walls who survive, who demand to be heard in the face of efforts to silence, who carry on despite the odds who insist on nothing more than Basic Human Rights. It for those who use their last resources -- their bodies and their lives -- to stand. to starve if they must at Attica, Lucasville  Georgia, Pelican Bay.  And it is in particular a call for you to support the resisters in whatever small way you can, starting with the calls to action outlined below.