President Obama could call for a criminal investigation into government detention practices TODAY if we all demanded it

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"From President Barack Obama's inauguration to now, he has treated the issue of torture and the legalization of this supreme violation of human rights as an inconvenience... 

Human rights groups have been very patient with the administration. Not only has the Obama Administration failed to uphold its duty to investigate and prosecute Bush officials under signed treaties like the Convention against Torture but it has let Bush officials tour around with their memoirs--books which contain prideful admissions of torture...

America purports to have moral authority in the world to push for prosecutions for crimes in Third World countries. It condemns Middle Eastern and African countries (excluding Israel), which do not allow access to their countries for investigations of human rights violations. But, it does not investigate and prosecute its own officials, who are responsible for committing and legalizing torture. -- Kevin Gosztola

Torture: Do Americans Care?

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This page contains a single entry published on July 9, 2011 7:10 PM.

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