Solitary Confinement IS Torture

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"Lock yourself in your bathroom for the next 10 years and tell me how it will affect your mind. -- Charles (in Tamms Supermax Prison for 12 years, from 1998 to 2010)

CIMG1024.JPGOn Friday July 1 more than 70 people gathered at the California State Building in San Francisco to stand in solidarity with the hunger strike in Pelican Bay Prison.

Saturday July 9th come out again to show your solidarity with the strikers! It'll be a week into the hunger strike, and we'll really need to show our support to help re-energize the work inside and keep the strike going! 
Rally  from 11am-1pm 
UN Plaza, San Francisco (Civic Center Bart). 

Contact for more info.

James Ridgeway and Jean Casella, co-founders of Solitary Watch, discuss the prisoner hunger strike at Pelican Bay State Prison and the inhumane practice of solitary confinement. 

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