Speaking of Torture....

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What: The 2011 Aspen Security Forum will be live streaming a number of sessions throughout the forum, which runs July 27-30, 2011.

Where: The live-stream will take place at http://as.pn/asflive. The full agenda and a list of the sessions to be live-streamed can be found at http://as.pn/asfagenda.

STEPHEN HADLEY July 29, 9:00am: Reflections on 9/11 and the Decade Since

MICHAEL HAYDEN July 29, 1:15pm: Cyber Security

ALBERTO GONZALES & JOHN YOO July 30, 9:00am: The Rule of Law and the War on Terrorism

MICHAEL CHERTOFF: July 30, 6:00pm: The Department of Homeland Security at Year Eight

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This page contains a single entry published on July 16, 2011 6:42 PM.

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