Torture: Just how long can this "conversation" go on?

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It has been  1 0  y e a r s  already... Dahlia Lithwick reports on the 2011 Aspen "Security" Forum, here. If we, the people, had dealt with accountability in a timely manner, not living in false hope for salvation from the Democratic Party, John Yoo wouldn't be spouting off his demented excuses for crimes against humanity today.

(Illustration: Jared Rodriguez / t r u t h o u t) 

The whole conference can be accessed through links at the Sacramento Bee, but John Yoo features here.

War crimes should not be the subject of polite debate. They must be confronted head-on. August 24 is coming up. Stay tuned.

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This page contains a single entry published on August 1, 2011 3:26 PM.

"Nice guys" don't condone torture: no accounting for Governor's Supreme Court nominee was the previous entry in this blog.

Do the feds really think ACLU can be "bribed" to drop torture cases? is the next entry in this blog.

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