Canada: Arrest George Bush

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private lawsuit blocked same day it is filed; human rights groups condemn move

Court had set hearing date for January 9, 2012. Note that our friend Gerald Gray sits on the Board of Directors for the Canadian Centre for International Justice, the organization which submitted the filing.

One of former prisoners speaks out, c/o Democracy Now!, here


Amnesty International, the Nobel Prize-winning human rights group, wants former U.S. president George W. Bush arrested and charged with torture when he visits British Columbia next week.

Amnesty officials -- armed with reams of documents they say support the incarceration of the former most-powerful man in the world -- brushed aside suggestions Wednesday's news conference was a publicity stunt. They did acknowledge, however, that Justice Minister Rob Nicholson would likely ignore their demands.

"A failure by Canada to take action during his visit would violate the United Nations convention against torture and demonstrate contemt for fundamental human rights," the group's Susan Lee said.

see No Amnesty

photo c/o Andy Worthington's blog

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