...one of the best ways to
understand John Yoo's advocacy for waterboarding not being torture is not
simply through a political lens, but also as someone who was an academic and
not a real lawyer. Academics don't
get exposed to what law really is: the exercise of imperative force by the state against a private person,
or by a corporation or private person against another. Contracts or rules of procedure are not
simply ideas. They are ways to get
things from others, or to have things taken from you. These actions help and hurt real people, sometimes very
deeply. Yoo's torture opinion is
absurdly academic hair-splitting, reaching conclusions that are not only wrong
as a matter of law, but which ignore willfully the fact that real people are on
the receiving end of Yoo's tortured logic: the recipients of waterboarding, and to a lesser extent, the
equally real people whose lives and values are compromised by being directed to
inflict it. Lawyers understand
these realities better than academics, because they have that
"practical" thing the academy so abhors.
Down By Law
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