the problem with 'snitching'

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"The moral queasiness that we must feel about this method of extracting information from those in our clutches has all but disappeared these days, thanks to the national shame of 'enhanced interrogation techniques' at Guantánamo - Colin Dayan, Barbarous Confinement

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UPDATE: In what he himself calls "a leap of faith", Guantanamo prisoner Majid Khan has cut a deal with the government, agreeing never to sue the U.S. or its agencies for his treatment. The judge also stipulated that Khan could continue to be held as a 'law of war detainee' even after he has served his sentence of 19 years.

Except that, as in Majid Khan's case, above, they won't. More on the dangers of plea bargaining here and here.

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This page contains a single entry published on February 29, 2012 1:42 PM.

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