A Letter from Theresa Cusimano, SOA Watch Prisoner of Conscience

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A Message to the Movement

Last week I walked out of federal prison, flew home, and was greeted by my smiling parents at the airport
gate. Unlike most other prisoners, I didn't have to take a 14 hour Greyhound bus; or use my bright red 
inmate ID card; nor wear my prison clothes en route. My privilege returned to me the moment of my
release. Friends picked me up and drove me to the Westin hotel for a cup of hot chocolate with whipped
cream. Although it was July 11th and there was a heat wave burning through the country, I was still cold from my incarceration.

 I entered prison because, like all of you, I believe
 torture is wrong and should not be a global export or
 a domestic product.
The violence I survived during my
 six month stay in the five federal "holding" facilities
 confirmed my conviction. The United States'
 Department of Justice likes to aggressively flex its
 muscles like a violent, bully when it comes to poor,
 sick and people of color. We spend our privileged
 fortunes on building expensive cages for them to fail
 in, without even providing clean drinking water...
 The Bureau of Prisons does not belong as a branch of the Department of Justice, but rather belongs in the Department of Defense, where torture and mass murder are their specialties. I saw no signs that the Department of Justice was in the business of holding olive branches, as their branding suggests. But they do know how to use the sharp arrows that the eagle of their logo clutches in its left talon. I'm lucky to still be alive, their arrows nearly killed me.

My body gave out under the stress of being moved to four different facilities in two weeks' time. My kidneys shut down without water or nutrition. My legs could no longer stand. The darkness of my 44 day seclusion, a "gift" to me from the feds on my 44th birthday, broke me. I lost hope when I was disconnected from all of 
you and your generous solidarity.

The strength of your collective prayers began to carry me out of the darkness of that rabbit hole. They shot 
me in the ass like a horse, to silence me. My eyes lost their ability to focus. They made me beg for my food 
and crawl, naked on concrete because I was unable to walk. You gave me hope that there are people who 
want to live a different way of life, centered on love. I wish to formally seek political asylum and live in 
your world.

As Father Roy faces excommunication from the church, and our first African American president fights for his second term...I hope you'll show up at the November vigil or sponsor someone to attend in your place. This 
is our time to raise our voices. This is our time to extend our olive branches and request our country do the same. Peace is possible if we commit to nonviolence. When we surrender our fear of death, amazing things 
can happen. I am living proof and you are the reason I am still alive. Let us all live to rebuild peace in our worlds. See you on November 16-18. We will close the SOA. I owe you a hug.

Theresa Cusimano
SOA Watch Prisoner of Conscience

On January 13, 2012, Theresa Cusimano was sentenced to 6 months in prison by Judge Stephen Hyles for her nonviolent action for crossing onto Fort Benning. She was released from Carswell Federal Medical Center on July 11. Read more about SOA Watch Prisoners of Conscience here.

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