drugging of Guantanamo prisoners confirmed

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Truthout has obtained a copy of a Department of Defense document substantiating previous accounts by reporters Jeffrey Kaye and Jason Leopold that the military has been using "mind altering drugs" on detainees.


Torture, Human Experimentation and the Department of Defense video 

"This practice adds another layer of cruelty to the operations at Guantanamo," says medical ethicist Leonard Rubenstein. "The inspector general's report confirms that detainees whose mental deterioration and suffering was so great as to lead to psychosis and attempts at self-harm were given anti-psychotic medication and subjected to further interrogation... The problem is not simply what the report implies, that good information is unlikely to be obtained when someone shows psychotic symptoms, but the continued use of highly abusive interrogation methods against men who are suffering from grave mental deterioration that may have been caused by those very same methods."

During his stint at the Justice Department of Legal Counsel, John Yoo authorized use of such drugs in interrogations as long as they did not "disrupt profoundly the senses or personality."

(Image: Jared Rodriguez / t r u t h o u t; Adapted: mike.benedetti, Dirty Bunny)

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