Justice, not Torture

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eclo0111yooprotest01.jpgThe Berkeley Federalist Society assigned Torture Memo author John Yoo (yes, the guy who sets the threshold of torture at "serious physical injury, such as death, organ failure, or serious impairment of body functions") to talk about medical insurance.

Despite the Justice Department's Office of Professional Responsibility conclusion that professor Yoo and his boss, now federal district court judge Jay Bybee, were guilty of "professional misconduct" warranting referral to their states' bar associations to face disciplinary action including revocation of their law licenses, Berkeley Law administrators continue to provide a soapbox for the rantings of an unrepentant advocate for human suffering. Almost three years ago Truthout noted that while it may seem like a stretch to talk about health care and torture in the same breath, there is a direct link between the two issues. Indeed, it was a Medicare benefits statute and other health care provisions that were used to form the basis for one of two August 2002 torture memos.

A university that allows a war criminal to teach constitutional law and ethics courses to the next generation of lawyers and judges under prejudice of "academic freedom" is protecting war crimes. We say NO to the moral relativism that accommodates torture.

Fire, Disbar and Prosecute John Yoo and All the Torture Lawyers.

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