President Obama nominates John Brennan for CIA chief

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Yes, you read that right. Media response to his selection has been slow,

"no one on the left or the right seems to much care about Brennan's nomination, despite the fact that he was forced to withdraw his name from consideration from the very same job in 2008 thanks to controversy over his alleged involvement with Bush-era interrogation programs. Brennan spent years at the CIA and served as chief of staff to former director George Tenet during the creation of the post-9/11 detention and interrogation programs. The New Yorker's Jane Mayer described him as a "supporter" of the programs, which included torture and the use of secret prison 'black sites' -- Alex Seitz-Wald, Salon

But Brennan has acquired the title of 'Mr. Drone' for his key role in the President's drones policy. Many experts expect use of unmanned robot plans to escalate under his leadership.

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