it oughtta be a crime: torturers in the classroom

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James_Larry_01_t_w600_h1200.jpgWar criminals are a nasty lot. Dodging accountability for their actions and public reprobation, they often find employment in the military/industrial complex. But American academic institutions share complicity in protection of these social pariah, accommodating them with positions of respectability. Universities face resistance to these appointments from students and parentsalumni and a few faculty members disparage, and communities at large attempt to legislate remedy. It is our responsibility to call out criminals and enablers alike. 

Torture advocates threaten not only the ethical training of future generations of lawyers and judges; we all face culpability for crimes left unpunished. An energized and politically active public can make those prosecutions happen. A good place to start would be to support the opposition to appointment of Larry James to the position of division                 photo: Jim Witmer/Dayton Daily News                      executive director with the College of Education at the 
University of Missouri:

see Debate over candidate's Abu Ghraib role

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