April 2013 Archives

Guantanamo Hunger Strikers receive support at US Embassy Rally / photo by Santino Pani
Vigil/SpeakOut on steps of San Francisco City Hall / photo by Bay Area Can't Wait
Raise public outcry in your community. Force our government to allow those menOn April 11th, supporters across the U.S. demonstrated solidarity with prisoners suffering systemic brutality at America's off-shore prison camp, demanding an end to indefinite detention and closure of the facility.

In San Francisco, a spirited, diverse crowd of protesters was in the streets of
downtown San Francisco during rush hour, demanding "Close Guantánamo!" and "End
Indefinite detention!" We gathered at the Federal Building, hoisting
banners, tying orange paper armbands on, and many getting into jumpsuits and
hoods. Initiated by World Can't Wait, the action grew to 30 people,
representing many groups: Amnesty International (AI), the Bradley Manning
Support Network, Code Pink, School of the Americas Watch. The AI intern
crew arrived, having marched all the way from their office in their own
jumpsuited procession to join us. As the AI group stood like statues
around one kneeling "prisoner" gagged with an American flag - another nine
jumpsuited protesters donned placards bearing the names and death dates of all
nine men who have died at Guantánamo to date...
alongside the discarding of procedure, the state is increasingly trying to monopolize the control of one's life (aliveness), that is, to seize the only remaining leverage that a prisoner might have...
prisoners exert their final leverage
[their compelling acts] should impel us to forcefully reject the horrific policies conducted by this administration: by protest, by legal means, by public vocal outrage.
There are moments in history that require a truly heroic transformation of consciousness among our people. The prisoners' hunger strike represents a ghastly humanitarian crisis; but also presents an opportunity to raise the volume of resistance.
Prisoners are determined to end their torture, 'one way or the other': Release us from this nightmare or let us die. Guantanamo must be closed NOW, before it becomes a death camp.
Anti-torture activists know that it will take a massive demonstration of support to stop the suffering and to save the lives of those who have not yet crossed the threshold for recovery (the body starts shutting down after 40 days of starvation; some of these men have denied food since early February). As it stands now, the only way out of their hell-on-earth is in a coffin.
Prisoner lawyers describe worsening conditions, religious provocation, and the crushing reality of 11 years of indefinite detention, most recently reporting that prisoners were denied drinkable water.
The President and Congress have responded to prisoner
demands with callous disregard for basic legal and human rights. Obama has
demonstrated that he has no intention of closing the prison camp. He has shut down the office working to close the facility. Funds are being allocated to rebuild Camp 7. It is impossible
to predict how long the scenario of force-feeding to keep men alive, a form of torture in its own right, can play out.
When ignore -ance = death, silence is not an option.
UC Berkeley Billboard

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Events & Calendars
Important Reading
Physicians for Human RightsBroken Laws, Broken Lives
NLG White Paper
The President's Executioner
Detention and torture in Guantanamo