Day 72: actions in London and San Francisco

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Guantanamo Hunger Strikers receive support at US Embassy Rally / photo by Santino Pani

Guantanamo hunger strikers are determined to free themselves from America's 
death camp -- one way or another. Lives are on the line. Time is running out.  


Vigil/SpeakOut on steps of San Francisco City Hall / photo by Bay Area Can't Wait

             Raise public outcry in your community. Force our government to allow those men 
             cleared for release to leave, give others a chance to answer charges, and close the 
             illegitimate prison camp.

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This page contains a single entry published on April 18, 2013 8:57 PM.

Guantanamo: how will WE be judged? was the previous entry in this blog.

Andy Worthington Discusses the Guantánamo Hunger Strike with Dennis Bernstein is the next entry in this blog.

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