..the catalyst in this case is the real possibility that one or more prisoners will die of starvation soon; the odds are, given the raw numbers, that it will be someone we've already decided shouldn't be at Guantánamo, or have given up trying to charge. Prisoners have died there before, but not in a protest so broad and so stark. A wave of deaths would be a political, moral, and foreign-policy disaster, with the seriousness not necessarily in that order.
the only thing we need to be scared of is what, as the jailers of Guantánamo, we might become
The President did say he'd close the prison; it isn't closed. Eighty-six of the hundred and sixty-six prisoners--more than half--have been cleared for release; they haven't been released. A country that does that can't be proud, and Obama may actually be ashamed... But why now?
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