resolved to close Guantanamo

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June 27 - The City of Northampton [MA] went on record to oppose the continued operation of the prison at Guantanamo Bay. In the final reading of the "Resolution Calling for Justice in Guantánamo Bay", the City Council voted 7-1 that it "opposes the continued existence of the Guantánamo Bay detention center and the violation of rule of law that it represents, and calls for all its prisoners to be charged or released."

The resolution was introduced by Councilor Owen Freeman-Daniels, and in part written by the American Friends Service Committee and local activist Nancy Talanian, a founder of the "No More Guantanamos" group.

11485_407294062717193_1307439154_n-thumb-275x161-1686.jpgOriginally introduced on Thursday, June 20, the resolution was spoken of by Northampton resident Paki Wieland. On Tuesday, Ms. Wieland was arrested in Washington D.C. at a broad act of civil disobedience protesting the continued existence of the prison. Ms. Wieland concurred with City Councilor President Bill Dwight's description of the facility as an "obscenity" that stains the character of the United States.

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