July 2013 Archives
"I have rarely been as
ashamed and disgusted as I was Saturday reading that US Attorney General Eric
Holder had sent a letter to the Russian minister of justice saying that the US
would 'not seek the death penalty' in its espionage case against National Security
Agency whistleblower Edward Snowden, promising that even if the US later
brought added charges against Snowden after obtaining him, they would not
include any death penalty, and vowing that if Snowden were handed over by
Russia to the US, he would 'not be tortured.' -- Dave Lindorff

What the hearing did not address--at all--were the practical steps that could be taken to follow through on President Obama's renewed promise to shutter Guantanamo. And it was notable that no member of the Obama administration, which is largely responsible for developing a plan of action, testified at the hearing...
c/o Common Dreams:
"Artist and author Robert Shetterly--best known for his work depicting and sharing the stories of truth telling luminaries from throughout US history--has today released the most recent work in his Americans Who Tell the Truth series with this portrait of NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden.

UPDATE: Obama reinstates groping
A federal judge Thursday ordered the government to stop genital searches of Guantanamo Bay detainees who want to meet with their lawyers, concluding that the motivation for the searches is not to enhance security, but to deter the detainees' access to attorneys.
UPDATE: Justice Department Tells Court that Force-Feeding Guantánamo Hunger Strikers is "Maintaining the Status Quo"

The motion filed June 30th by prisoners' lawyers has been given added urgency by concerns that prison staff will force-feed the Muslim detainees during Ramadan - a period of day-time fasting in Islam which begins on July 8.
"This crisis could end, if only President Obama would start transferring cleared people, as he has the power to do. But my clients have seen no action. They cannot take years of more uncertainty about their fate. If the Gitmo authorities intend to force-feed these people during the daytime in Ramadan, it will only add insult to injury. -- Guantanamo attorney and Reprieve Strategic Director Cori Crider
Judges give US Government 48 hours to respond
graphic c/o andyworthington.co.uk

History is being made in this courtroom, but as is often the case in the proceedings of empire, on the surface, the proceedings are banal. The judge takes pains to point out Bradley's rights as accused, all the better to not be reversed in an appeal. The large team of prosecutors comes and goes with stacks of files, as if this is business as usual, and as if "justice" will be served. Each morning the lead prosecutor informs the judge of how many members of the media and the public are present. There is a lot of talk about the rights of the public, while the public is searched, told not to talk, and treated as the "enemy" we are.
UC Berkeley Billboard

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Events & Calendars
Important Reading
Physicians for Human RightsBroken Laws, Broken Lives
NLG White Paper
The President's Executioner
Detention and torture in Guantanamo