acting in the interests of humanity

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c/o Common Dreams:

"Artist and author Robert Shetterly--best known for his work depicting and sharing the stories of truth telling luminaries from throughout US history--has today released the most recent work in his Americans Who Tell the Truth series with this portrait of NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden.

Shetterly_Snowden-540px.jpgDescribing the 30-year-old Snowden as the "lemming that ran the other way," artist Shetterly--in an essay posted today--said it seemed that Snowden is "a tiny chunk of the vast, submerged NSA iceberg, a chunk that had chipped itself free and willed itself to drift in the opposite direction."

Shetterly chose Edward Snowden as part of his growing series focused on 'whistleblowers' - which includes, among others - Daniel Ellsberg, who famously leaked the Pentagon Papers during the Vietnam War; Pfc. Bradley Manning, currently on trial for his leaks of material related to US foreign policy and the execution of the Iraq and Afghanistan wars; and former CIA officer John Kiriakou, who is serving a prison sentence for public discussion of the agency's torture program."

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This page contains a single entry published on July 18, 2013 3:29 PM.

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