Whistleblowers Speak Out

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Indict the Criminals Responsible for Vast Government Spying
Arrest and Prosecute Torture Architect John Yoo
Hands Off Edward Snowden

Wednesday July 10, 6 pm
Villa Taverna
27 Hotaling Place
San Francisco

 "A Conversation with Professor John Yoo" 

Deputy assistant attorney general in the Justice Department's Office of Legal Counsel from 2001 to 2003, Yoo helped draft the Patriot Act and author the legal basis for the NSA 'PRISM' program.

World Can't Wait Joins with a large section of the U.S. population -- and billions worldwide -- in outrage at the unconstitutional, illegitimate surveillance of whole populations by the U.S. which has been covered up and lied about for years.

We Defend Edward Snowden for his courageous action in revealing vast, unlawful surveillance by the United States.

We Call on others to join us in opposing the U.S. government's plans to gain custody of him, to try and imprison him on espionage charges.
It is absurd that Snowden faces criminal charges from the U.S. government who has been caught red-handed breaking its own laws while it flaunts international law by the use of targeted killing and indefinite detention.
It is outrageous that this same government refuses to investigate, much less prosecute, those responsible for the crimes of aggressive war and torture while now carrying out an unjust prosecution against Bradley Manning for exposing these crimes.

As the San Francisco Republican Party celebrates war crimes, we will stand in solidarity with John KiriakouAaron SwartzJulian AssangeThomas DrakeColeen RowleyDaniel Ellsberg and all those willing to say NO! Not In Our Name! 

Prosecute those in U.S. government guilty of committing war crimes and crimes against humanity, NOT those who blow the whistle on these crimes.

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About this Entry

This page contains a single entry published on July 10, 2013 12:55 PM.

"there is an individual who does have the authority to address the issue." -- Judge Gladys Kessler was the previous entry in this blog.

Torture lawyer John Yoo drafted legal rationale for NSA spying, protesters targeting his talk in SF tonight is the next entry in this blog.

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