Government Shutdown?

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300px-Fbi_mobile_command_center_2.jpgThe military NSA is busy spying on all Americans, the lights are on at the Treasury, FBI, CIA, FAA, NRLB, IRS, EPA, NASA, and the Pentagon --just like Motel 6 ("We'll leave the light on for you"). -- Dredd

And last I heard, Guantanamo is still open"No one believes the hunger strike is over. Certainly not us. 
 -- Pentagon spokesman Lieutenant Colonel Todd Breasseale

photo: FBI Mobile Command Center

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This page contains a single entry published on October 10, 2013 12:46 PM.

Obama chooses former U.S. Marine and seasoned congressional lawyer Paul Lewis to serve as Special Envoy for transferring Guantanamo prisoners was the previous entry in this blog.

"new" program for Guantanamo: re-examination of twelve-year-old evidence is the next entry in this blog.

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