Shaker Aamer: "the Martin Luther King of Guantanamo Bay"

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The US military says the hunger strike at Guantanamo, which lasted more than six months and aimed to end the injustices within the prison, is officially over. The military has stopped issuing daily updates of the number of strikers. The Miami Herald, however, hasn't stopped... 

Amid Lingering Hunger Strike, Guantanamo Abuses Press On

"I have known Shaker for some time. Because he is so eloquent and outspoken about the injustices of Guantanamo, he is very definitely viewed as a threat by the US. Not in the sense of being an extremist, but in the sense of being someone who can rather eloquently criticize the nightmare that happened there." -- Clive Stafford Smith

painting by Kate Mahoney

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This page contains a single entry published on November 9, 2013 2:04 PM.

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