He's back...

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Andyportrait2.jpgAndy Worthington joins World Can't Wait activists for the  

Close Guantanamo Tour January 2014, 

along with friends old and new. Mark your calendars, pass this news on to others, and help us fund airfare and other travel expenses. 

Fresh outrage over the situations at Guantanamo and Bagram can be the straw to break public intransigence on the issue of indefinite detention by presidential fiat.

Monday, January 13: panel on the Ethics and Politics of Extraordinary Detention, 
Stanford University 
5:30 pm 
Old Union, 520 Lasuen Mall, Room 200
sponsored by Stanford Says No To War                                                                              

Tuesday, January 14: a conversation with Andy Worthington and Stephanie Tang
UC Hastings College of the Law 
12:00 noon 
Room E, 198 McAllister Street, San Francisco
sponsored by Hastings chapters National Lawyers Guild and American Constitution Society;  
Hastings Race and Poverty Law Journal

Tuesday, January 14: film screening, "Doctors of the Dark Side"
presented by Andy Worthington and Stephanie Tang 
Revolution Books
7:00 pm
2425 Channing Way, Berkeley

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Physicians for Human Rights
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NLG White Paper

The President's Executioner

Detention and torture in Guantanamo

About this Entry

This page contains a single entry published on January 11, 2014 2:18 PM.

Once again, the question of whether the government should do something is getting less attention than the question of whether it can. was the previous entry in this blog.

Make Guantanamo History is the next entry in this blog.

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