Saturday is Day 500 of the Guantanamo prison hunger strike

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A recent federal court decision re-sanctions the force-feeding of hunger strikers at the Guantánamo prison. According to the UN and other international bodies, such practice inflicts pain, suffering and long-term injuries and constitutes torture. Forced cell extraction and the use of dangerous drugs to induce prisoner compliance add to the abuse. The military's refusal to disclose the number of hunger strikers violates President Obama's promise of government transparency and deprives the prisoners of their only means of communicating the deplorable conditions of their imprisonment. 

-- L. Michael Hager, International Development Law Organization, Rome

Americans should see force-feeding for what it is: another example of Guantánamo's shameful abuses.

779 men and boys, all of them Muslim, have been imprisoned over time at Guantánamo since January 2002.

86% were sold to the United States during a time when the U.S. military was offering large bounties for capture; commonly, $5,000 offered per man.

629 men have been transferred.

149 men remain detained. 

88 of them are from Yemen. 

78 have been cleared for release for years but remain imprisoned.

 of those who are cleared for release are Yemenis, but they continue to be detained because of their citizenship.

38 men have been designated for indefinite detention without charge or trial by President Obama's Task Force.

22 or more were children when taken to the detention camp.

More men (9) have died at Guantanamo than have been convicted (8) by the military commissions.

8 years is the longest hunger strike by a man at Guantanamo. It's still going.

0 senior government officials have been held accountable for the wrongful detention and torture at Guantanamo.

Guantánamo by the Numbers, c/o Center for Constitutional Rights

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