Rebecca Gordon, author of the new book Mainstreaming Torture, says "There are several important reasons why the resurgence of torture remains a possibility in post-Bush America: * Torture did not necessarily end when Obama took office. * We have never had a full accounting of all the torture programs in the "war on terror." * Not one of the senior government officials responsible for activities that amounted to war crimes has been held accountable, nor were any of the actual torturers ever brought to court. And further, "The U.S. has a long history of involvement with torture -- from its war in the Philippines at the dawn of the twentieth century on. It has also, as in Latin America in the 1960s, trained torturers serving other regimes. But until 9/11 top officials in this country had never publicly approved of torture...
That consensus no longer exists today. After 9/11 those 'gloves' came off." |
We don't accept a torture state
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