Based on Truth and Holding to Principle

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Avoiding the routine departure from "our values" requires confronting our actual history; it's the only way to learn from it. Torture and total war are not the work of a few bad people, but the product of a system that from its inception treated human beings as property and the right to property as more important than the rights of women and men - it's who we are, and if we want the violence wrought by our system to end, we must honestly address the systemic cause. -- Charles Davis, Blacklisted News

World Can't Wait organizes people living in the United States to repudiate and stop the fascist direction initiated by the Bush Regime, including: the murderous, unjust and illegitimate occupations of Iraq and Afghanistan; the global "war of terror" of torture, rendition and spying; and the culture of bigotry, intolerance and greed. This direction cannot and will not be reversed by leaders who tell us to seek common ground with fascists, religious fanatics, and empire. It can only be possible by the people building a community of resistance - an independent mass movement of people - acting in the interests of humanity to stop, and demand prosecution, of these crimes.

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About this Entry

This page contains a single entry published on January 3, 2015 3:46 PM.

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