We Need an American Nuremberg

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519Ph5EIZZL.jpg"From the look of the presidential campaign, war crimes are back on the American agenda," writes Mainstreaming Torture author Rebecca Gordon"We really shouldn't be surprised, because American officials got away with it last time -- and in the case of the drone wars continue to get away with it today. Still, there's nothing like the heady combination of a 'populist' Republican race for the presidency and a national hysteria over terrorism to make Americans want to reach for those 'enhanced interrogation techniques'. That, as critics have long argued, is what usually happens if war crimes aren't prosecuted." 

Gordon demands a full accounting for actors in America's war of terror, including one of the top candidates for prosecution, John Yoo.

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This page contains a single entry published on June 9, 2016 12:40 PM.

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