John Yoo Belongs in Prison, Not Mentoring the Next Generation of Lawyers and Judges

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105 Boalt Hall, School of Law
October 29, 1:00 pm

UC Berkeley continues to harbor and employ a war criminal. Torture is a war crime under all U.S. and international law, and John Yoo was a principal legal architect of the Bush/Cheney torture machinery, before returning to Berkeley Law where he now teaches constitutional law and other core courses to the next generation of lawyers and judges.

The torture operations designed, ordered, and carried out under Bush -- and which continue today under Obama, whose promises to close Guantanamo and end illegal torture have evaporated in the wind -- only became possible through the work of the "torture team" lawyers including UC's infamous John Yoo.

Despite a worldwide outcry, UC has still not taken a single step to investigate John Yoo's status on the faculty. A lawyer whose career hallmark is his stint in Bush's Justice Department providing legal-sounding excuses so that torture could be used under color of presidential power, can not be a role model mentoring students.

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