"It's breathtaking that the body-bags keep piling up, without any attempt to go after the systemic problems -- racism, police brutality, excessive use of force, a sick gun culture that makes them the first not the last resort (clearly not in Garner's case, but in most others) -- that have brought us to this tragic place," comments AhBrightWings on the chocking death of Eric Garner by New York police officer Daniel Pantaleo.

"The same mentality that has infected foreign policy is rife here. It's not just that we, as a nation, have empowered ourselves to break international laws without consequences, regret, or apology...we don't hold ourselves to our own best laws, refuse to acknowledge the anguish these deaths cause, and continue on in the same criminal manner. It's a Bully Culture writ large.
"If the 'law says' that Wilson can gun down an unarmed man, if the 'law says' that a police officer can choke to death a man crying out that he can't breathe, if the law says that Martin, armed with Skittles, can be killed because someone else 'feels scared' (of course he does; he just killed an unarmed kid) then the law is, to quote Dickens, an ass."
'Lawfare' employed in service to the U.S. War of Terror is a damning example of the distortion of constitutional principles advanced by the Berkeley Law project to dissemble UC complicity in crimes against humanity. Subscription represents a serious breach of the professional standards demanded of law students.