Stop Torture and Degrading Treatment of Native Americans

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Vicious attacks on Standing Rock protesters represent a violation of the Human Right to Water, notes Marjorie Cohn, Jefferson School of Law professor, and former president of the National Lawyers Guild: 

"Those arrested were held at the Morton County Correctional Center in 10-by-14 foot cages, some in dog kennels. They reported being forced to wait for access to food, water, bathrooms and medical attention. Some charged with misdemeanors were strip-searched. Women were left naked in their cells and male guards harassed them. Some people were zip-tied in stress positions for hours."

Thousands of Indigenous people from the Sioux Tribe, and their allies continue their protest against the Dakota Access pipeline (DAPL) today, undeterred by intimidation, harassment and prosecution by the federal government. 

'Gasland' Director Josh Fox documents first-hand police violence at Standing Rock (includes video).

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This page contains a single entry published on November 3, 2016 12:53 PM.

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