Last Thing World Needs is U.S. President Legitimizing Torture

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Donald Trump's revival of John Yoo's torture techniques -- and worse -- would provide a green light to other authoritarian regimes, fear human rights experts. With good reason. United Nations' special rapporteur on torture Nils Melzer warns that the consequences around the world "would be catastrophic."

It's up to us to stop that from happening. 

"I would be guided by" American's support for waterboarding and other tactics says the president-in-waiting. NO! We refuse to accept any such collaboration with the crimes of a Trump regime.

Demonstrate your opposition to expansion of U.S. torture practices:
Wednesday January 11, the 15th anniversary of Guantanamo Bay prison camp
Meet-up 1 PM, Homeland Security's 450 Golden Gate Plaza entrance, San Francisco

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This page contains a single entry published on January 5, 2017 1:01 PM.

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