"Unfortunately, while Trump may not know or care about the legal precedents behind his actions, his lawyers surely do, and you can be sure they'll be citing Yoo's work on the unitary executive theory," notes political blogger Heather Digby Parton. "No one could have predicted that Trump, of all people, would become president, but that's exactly why the cumbersome checks and balances were put in place to begin with."
"Worse, a majority of Trump supporters don't believe the meeting occurred. This is an example of just what we're up against. Fortunately, we have the agency to counter denial of the crimes of our government:
Refuse Fascism Organizing Meeting
Thursday July 20, 6:30 - 8:30 pm
Mission Cultural Center for Latino Arts
2868 Mission Street, San Francisco
Hundreds, in several major cities, took to the streets and raised a unified demand: THE TRUMP/PENCE REGIME MUST GO! This signifies something new. An organized force proposing a bold plan to demand that an entire regime be removed from power because it is fascist and what that would mean for the future of humanity and the planet. Everyone who stepped out July 15th should know we have put this demand, the stand and organization of RefuseFascism.org on the map.