August 2017 Archives

23xp-letter1-master768.jpgIn February 1976, Edward R. Fields, a grand dragon in the Ku Klux Klan, released then state attorneys general Baxley's "kiss my ass" response. Four decades later, Mr. Baxley's example serves as inspiration for "all who seek to equivocate in times of moral crisis." Less than two weeks since a man drove a car into a crowd of counterprotesters at a rally of white supremacists and neo-Nazis in Charlottesville, Virginia, Baxley provides inspiration for "all who seek to equivocate in times of moral crisis." 

"There are times in the life of a nation, or a president, or a state attorney general, when one is called upon to respond directly to the voice of hate," conclude the former attorney generals. 

"Anybody that espouses that rhetoric and that doctrine is not just expressing a difference of opinion -- they're advocating the most horrific acts that you can imagine towards innocent people," says Mr. Baxley. "It just cannot be tolerated in a just society, or else you get something like you had in Nazi Germany. You just can't allow that to take root."

"Bill drew the line," says former Maine attorney general James E. Tierney. "We wanted to give his courageous act voice at a time when the country needs to hear that there are courageous voices."

The American Political Science Association (APSA) has engaged UC Berkeley torture advocate John Yoo for two sessions of its 2017 Quest for Legitimacy:  

The Future of the Judiciary
Thursday August 31, 10:00 to 11:30am
Hilton San Francisco Union Square 
California Room
Westin St. Francis
335 Powell Street, San Francisco

Checks on Executive Power in the Age of Obama and Trump
Friday September 1, 4:00 to 5:30pm
Hilton San Francisco Union Square
Colonial Ballroom 
Westin St. Francis
335 Powell Street, San Francisco

Conference attendees are invited to join and friends in protest of APSA accommodation for U.S. torture policy. We will meet up an hour in advance of each roundtable event listed above -- 9:00am and 3:00pm respectively, at the central Dewey Monument (column topped with statue of Nike) in Union Square -- to make signs and distribute ribbons and fliers. We'll then cross Powell Street to tableau orange jumpsuited representatives for Guantanamo prisoners at the hotel entrance.

"There can be no justification for giving a platform to someone who participated in the actual authorization of torture, a shameful and morally unacceptable practice and a crime under both domestic and international law," charged detractors in 2011. "We protest the decision to invite John Yoo to speak at the APSA conference as an affront to the standards of our profession and of humanity." Apparently on the deaf ears of colleagues. Because why else would the APSA lend credence to a war criminal? Torture Professor John Yoo belongs in prison. 

Berkeley Law School harbors a War Criminal. APSA gives him a platform. We say NO! Not In Our Name! Indict, Prosecute, Disbar John Yoo!

A lawyer for the Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington has embraced complicity in sheltering John Yoo. 

In contradiction of previous declarations against the 'Torture Professor', Dean Erwin Chemerinsky now says "I have very high regard for John Yoo as a scholar and as a teacher... I look forward to being his colleague."
The new dean expressed his priorities: Raising money, and continuing to attract "top faculty and students." Presumably those willing to close their eyes to the Federal Torture Act.
Shame on Erwin Chemerinsky.
Shame on the University of California.
Shame on Lawyers who put Career above the Law.
UC Law School representative John Yoo unleashed the 'unitary executive' theory enabling false imprisonment, unreasonable search and seizure, and deployment of military personnel for domestic police actions. "Yoo even defended the legal right of a president to torture children," charges Laura Hankin at Romper. "He's part of the reason that the United States went to war in Afghanistan, and that Bush was able to open the ethically-dubious detention center in Guantanamo Bay. And when it came to President Barack Obama, Yoo supported his problematic use of drone strikes."

"TRUE AMERICAN HERO"? Yeah, if you accept the notion that a system based on racial entitlement was ever great.

UC Berkeley Billboard

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Events & Calendars

War Criminals Watch Events

Important Reading

Physicians for Human Rights
Broken Laws, Broken Lives

NLG White Paper

The President's Executioner

Detention and torture in Guantanamo

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