April 2019 Archives

As chief lawyer, U.S. state department adviser Jennifer Newstead will be able to approve or deny extrajudicial "national security letters," thousands of which are fielded by Facebook every year. 

"Jennifer is a seasoned leader whose global perspective and experience will help us fulfill our mission," said Chief Operating Officer Sheryl Sandberg.


5c800b6ceb3ce844505c0512-1920-960.jpg"It's Kirstjen Nielsen's last day as the secretary of Homeland Security," observes Paul Blest at Splinter News, "and already, she, along with her best buds in D.C., are reportedly desperate to do some PR surgery on her so she isn't known for the rest of her life as 'the woman who threw children in cages at the request of Donald Fucking Trump and then lied to Congress about it.'

"Given what we know about accountability for powerful people in America, though, it's a good bet that she'll have little trouble finding a job once she's ready... such as Torture Memos writer and current UC Berkeley law professor John Yoo. Or Henry Kissinger. Or on and on and on."

'Til it Stops

"Because if elite institutions and corporate America simply welcomes her back," adds MSNBC's Chris Hayes (Video), "then, in the same way I'm not sure we won't torture again, I'm not so sure we won't rip children from their mother's arms again."  

UC Berkeley Billboard

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Important Reading

Physicians for Human Rights
Broken Laws, Broken Lives

NLG White Paper

The President's Executioner

Detention and torture in Guantanamo

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