May 2020 Archives

No one has ever been held responsible for the torture, illegal detention and other human rights violations that have been and are still being committed at Guantánamo Bay -- not even the author of those "enhanced interrogation" methods. 


On May 27th, via a live stream, you can meet Mohamedou Ould Slahi who spent 14 years at Guantánamo Bay where he was illegally imprisoned and subjected to torture. Despite living under inhuman circumstances, he learned to speak English from listening to his prison guards and wrote down his experiences in letters to his lawyers. "Guantánamo Diary" was published (albeit partly censored) while he was still captive, and it became a best-seller.


Next week, the Supreme Court will hear lawyers argue the president's claim that he has absolute immunity while in office, write law professors Claire Finkelstein and Richard Painter. NOTE: Spanish version here. Thanks Ed Charles!

"What is at stake is no less than the accountability of a president to the rule of law... If the justices endorse this extreme view, they will make it impossible to hold this president, and all future presidents, answerable in courts for their actions."
Donald Trump's lawyers have introduced a novel argument -- that the president should not be distracted from attention to the Covid-19 crisis. (As if he has bothered to manage it at all, short of sacrificing thousands of lives to the health of the stock market.)
The president has availed himself of John Yoo's "unitary executive theory," declaring himself the "chief law enforcement officer" of the country, "asserting a right to ignore the traditional independence of the Justice Department."
Should the Supreme Court side with the defendant in Trump v. Vance, the justices will make it impossible to hold this, and all future presidents, answerable for their actions.
Shame on John Yoo. Shame on Berkeley Law.

UC Berkeley Billboard

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War Criminals Watch Events

Important Reading

Physicians for Human Rights
Broken Laws, Broken Lives

NLG White Paper

The President's Executioner

Detention and torture in Guantanamo

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This page is an archive of entries from May 2020 listed from newest to oldest.

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