Mohammed Slahi's story, Guantanamo Diary, will debut as the film The Mauritanian

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Next month, Mohammed Slahi's story, Guantanamo Diary, will debut as the film The Mauritanian with Jodie Foster as Slahi's attorney Nancy Hollander. Other cast members are Tahar Rahim, Shailene Woodley and Benedict Cumberbatch.

Here is information on writing to the prisoners provided by

If you are an Arabic speaker, or speak any other languages spoken by the prisoners besides English, feel free to write in those languages. Do please note that any messages that can be construed as political should be avoided, as they may lead to the letters not making it past the Pentagon's censors. Be aware, though, that your messages may not get through anyway -- but please don't let that put you off.

When writing to the prisoners please ensure you include their full name and ISN (internment serial number) below (these are the numbers before their names):

>> List of Current Prisoners. 40 men are still held, and five of these men were recommended for release by high-level governmental review processes under President Obama, decisions that Donald Trump chose to ignore after taking office in January 2017. A sixth man was approved for release towards the end of the Trump presidency.

Please address all letters to:
Detainee Name
Detainee ISN
U.S. Naval Station
Guantánamo Bay
Washington, D.C. 20355
United States of America
Please also include a return address on the envelope.

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This page contains a single entry published on February 2, 2021 10:40 PM.

Bush opened it. Obama failed to close it. Trump promised to keep it open. Now, it's Biden's turn to decide. was the previous entry in this blog.

U.S. Closes PART of Guantanamo Torture Camp is the next entry in this blog.

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