Lost and Found at Guantanamo: Don't Forget Us Here

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"This is one of the best news I have received after my release from Guantanamo," posts Mansoor Adayfi. "The book is coming. A journey of almost 20 years with Guantánamo and my book."
May be an image of 1 person, book and text that says 'Sam Raim @sam_raim 23m Such a thrill to hold a galley of what's undoubtedly the most important book I've ever published. have a few extra if you're interested in reviewing or spreading the word in any way! The closing of Guantánamo is within reach and for you all to read this. can't wait LOST AND FOUND AT GUANTÁNAMO DON'T FORGET US HERE UNDERWORLD MANSOOR ADAYFI GMAST2021 NOTFORSALE You and 3 others'

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This page contains a single entry published on April 21, 2021 9:51 PM.

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