Will Supreme Court immunity ruling undermine our campaign to close Guantanamo?

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It's easy to forget about Guantánamo Bay, posits Lawrence Douglas.

"Back in the day of George W Bush's misbegotten 'war on terror,' John Yoo, at the time a lawyer in the office of legal counsel, wrote a notorious memo opining that the federal law criminalizing torture would be unconstitutional if applied to the president in times of war. This ominous claim led the senator Patrick Leahy to ask the then attorney teneral Alberto Gonzales, during a congressional hearing, whether the president could legally order genocide. At the time, Gonzales refused to answer, dismissing the question as hypothetical. Now the supreme court has offered a clear and shocking answer to the senator's question,"



 Close Gitmo San Francisco Flyer July 2024

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This page contains a single entry published on July 1, 2024 7:13 PM.

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