No Clemency for Torturers

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Andy Worthington suggests the US Supreme Court presidential immunity ruling should come as no surprise; 22 years of Guantanamo demonstrated the tyranny of successive administrations.

"Presumptive immunity" from prosecution may impede executive resolve to release victims of American injustice (where if no laws can prevent the president from doing whatever he wants, how was torture criminal in the first place?), BUT ENABLES PRESIDENT BIDEN TO AT LAST DO THE RIGHT THING, independent of political deliberation. With the very legitimacy of American jurisprudence in question, this may be the last best chance to end this deplorable episode of history. But it's going to take determined struggle of masses of people who hate what's transpired in their name; we can't depend on US courts. 

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This page contains a single entry published on July 8, 2024 11:57 AM.

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