October 2024 Archives

The Israeli Guantanamo

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"Nine members of Force 100, a unit inside the Israeli Defence Forces, are the subject of criminal investigation over allegations that they sexually assaulted a prisoner at the Sde Teiman detention camp in the Negev desert, which human rights groups have dubbed "the Israeli Guantanamo."

Blurry image of people sitting on the ground behind a metal barrier

"The investigation - a rare occurrence on the part of the US with regard to Israel - could result in the unit being penalised under a landmark peace of legislation known as the Leahy law, which prohibits the state and defence departments from rendering assistance to foreign security force units facing credible accusations of human rights abuses."

"Back in the day of George W Bush's misbegotten 'war on terror', John Yoo, at the time a lawyer in the office of legal counsel, wrote a notorious memo opining that the federal law criminalizing torture would be unconstitutional if applied to the president in times of war. This ominous claim led the senator Patrick Leahy to ask the then attorney general Alberto Gonzales, during a congressional hearing, whether the president could legally order genocide."

UC Berkeley Billboard

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Important Reading

Physicians for Human Rights
Broken Laws, Broken Lives

NLG White Paper

The President's Executioner

Detention and torture in Guantanamo

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This page is an archive of entries from October 2024 listed from newest to oldest.

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