The Very Least President Biden Could Do in His Last Days of Office is Order the Closure of Guantanamo

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As Vice President, Biden proposed to close the US prison camp. He has yet to deliver on campaign promises to do just that.

"The prison at Guantánamo Bay is one of those mistakes, willfully perpetuated by the Biden administration each day it remains open," argued the Center for Constitutional Rights. "The fact that they continue to languish after two decades is a cruelty that could end tomorrow."

"So why hasn't Biden shuttered the camp?" asks Connor Echols.

Please join Amnesty International, World Can't Wait, and human rights defenders around the world for Global Monthly Vigils as we urgently tell President Biden: Close Guantánamo NOW and release the 16 Muslim men who have been cleared for release--some for well over a decade,

Wednesday November 6, 3:00pm
Castro Farmers Market
270 Noe Street
San Francisco

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This page contains a single entry published on November 5, 2024 11:54 PM.

'Abu Ghraib Torture Trial Against Virginia-Based Defense Contractor Begins Again' was the previous entry in this blog.

'Photos and Report: Dismay and Determination at the Global Vigils for Guantánamo's Closure on November 6, 2024' is the next entry in this blog.

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