Academia: July 2008 Archives

Over 150 wear hoods, walk out during former AG's speech

by Michael Siegel, Huffington Post, November 30, 2007

At Cornell University on Thursday, over 150 people expressed their resistance to the policies of John Ashcroft and the War on Terror through creative, silent protest. Over 70 placed hoods on their heads, stood and turned their backs to Ashcroft when he tried to justify his repressive actions post-9/11.


from Brad DeLong's weblog, , May 10, 2008 appears that there is a Berkeley law school professor who is (a) anxious that people far and wide know that he does not share the views John Yoo advanced in his Torture Memo, and yet (b) anxious that nobody know who he is.

I don't think it works that way.

If you are anxious to remain anonymous, you are not anxious that people know you do not share John Yoo's views.

If you are anxious that people know you do not share John Yoo's views, you are not anxious to remain anonymous.

Brian Leiter's Law School Reports: Thoughts from a Berkeley Professor on the Yoo Case 

A law professor at Berkeley writes:

Your postings on academic freedom and the John Yoo case have been pitch-perfect, from my point of view. Thank you for bringing some sanity to a sad and challenging affair. This is obviously a very painful topic for those of us at Berkeley, for a whole host of reasons.

  1. There is the sadness at seeing a colleague, foolish perhaps in his desire to be near power and/or have his voice heard, and substantively (in my opinion) about as wrong as he could be, but a hardworking and responsible member of our community, having his reputation and career taking a beating; even a self-invited beating is painful to watch when it is in progress.
  2. There is the sadness at seeing our integrity as a community challenged. Like many US law schools we welcomed a number of prominent European Jewish emigres during the WWII years (e.g., David Daube (Freiburg, Oxford), Albert Ehrenzweig (Heidelberg, Vienna), and others); I believe this not only helped launch the university into the first ranks of research universities worldwide, it also deepened this community's commitment to tolerance and openness -- a direct cause, in my opinion, of the campus free speech movement and therefore indirectly at least of much that followed at US campuses. In light of this history, at a personal level I thought long and hard about how I should treat John Yoo when he returned to campus; many of us still struggle with questions of how to balance concern for complicity with the requirements of collegial civility.  Even so, never once did I consider a move to revoke John's tenure, because he was in complete compliance with our standards. Only if that changes, due to a criminal conviction or the like, would it be appropriate to revisit the issue, in my opinion.
  3. This is painful because many people who do not know us might perhaps assume that John's work is representative of our views. As you well know, he is as much of an outlier here as he would be at most US law schools.  Consider for example the work of my colleague, Chris Kutz*. His essay on "Torture, Necessity, and Existential Politics," 95 Cal. L. Rev. 235 (2007), is a wonderful counterpoint to the memos John Yoo worked on, and it expresses something much closer to what I believe is the consensus of the Boalt Hall faculty regarding the torture issue...

I must say that I find the word "painful," used in this context, extremely ill-chosen. Being waterboarded is painful. Thinking that people elsewhere think you agree with John Yoo because you haven't spoken up because you would then be embarrassed to sit next to him at faculty meetings... that does not seem painful to me.


* Law Professor Christopher Kutz chairs the Committee on Academic Freedom, UC Berkeley Academic Senate.

from Law School Pays the Price in 'Don't Ask' Rule Protest,

New York Times, June 29, 2008

"Every once in a while an issue comes to a community and, despite a cost, it comes to the conclusion that it has to stand up for its principles," said Jeff Shields, president and dean of the law school. "It has to do with speaking truth to power, and it's one of those roles that those of us lucky enough to be trained as lawyers hopefully take from time to time." 

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