Curt Wechsler, The World Can't Wait: January 2012 Archives

When people stand up together to resist the crimes of their government, including wars of aggression, something beautiful can emerge.
"To me, the most important reason that the Occupy movement must take a leadership role in pushing back against the current demonization of Iran is that the idea of accepting people -- even those who look different from oneself -- is so central to the entire Occupy movement - Joe Scarry
Why Occupy Wall Street Should Lead the "No Iran War!" Resistance

Come to the first anti-torture protest action of the new semester, because Torture Professor John Yoo is back teaching Constitutional Law. You're invited to a PRESS CONFERENCE TUESDAY JAN. 17 at 11 AM outside Boalt Hall, followed by a procession of Guantanamo and Bagram prisoners. Besides keeping the spotlight of truth on John Yoo and TORTURE, people will also be condemning Yoo's war-mongering role in the current dangerous US belligerence against Iran.
John Yoo's Ongoing Falsehoods in Service of Limitless Government Power
In a rare U.S. appearance, author and filmmaker
Andy Worthington spoke with renowned investigative journalist Jason Leopold (Truthout) at two Bay Area events Friday.

video of the discussion sponsored by the Hastings Chapter of the National Lawyers Guild, "TEN YEARS OF
be posted on this website soon.
To our friends
and supporters who came to the evening reception for Andy and Jason - thank you! We are so glad to have been able to break bread and
spend time with all of you, old friends and new. It was a great evening
of spirited conversation, enjoying the rousing musical performance of David
Rovics and the passionate paintings on display by artist Sharon Gadsberry (used in her "Gitmo
101" video satirizing John Yoo's position at Berkeley Law). You are part of a very important community of
resistance, and we thank you for your generous financial donations to our work
to close Guantánamo and stop the torture.
In a rare U.S. appearance, author and filmmaker
Andy Worthington spoke with renowned investigative journalist Jason Leopold (Truthout) at two Bay Area events Friday.

video of the discussion sponsored by the Hastings Chapter of the National Lawyers Guild, "TEN YEARS OF
be posted on this website soon.
To our friends
and supporters who came to the evening reception for Andy and Jason - thank you! We are so glad to have been able to break bread and
spend time with all of you, old friends and new. It was a great evening
of spirited conversation, enjoying the rousing musical performance of David
Rovics and the passionate paintings on display by artist Sharon Gadsberry (used in her "Gitmo
101" video satirizing John Yoo's position at Berkeley Law). You are part of a very important community of
resistance, and we thank you for your generous financial donations to our work
to close Guantánamo and stop the torture.
In a rare U.S. appearance, author and filmmaker Andy Worthington spoke with renowned investigative journalist Jason Leopold (Truthout) at two Bay Area events Friday.

A video of the discussion sponsored by the Hastings Chapter of the National Lawyers Guild, "TEN YEARS OF GUANTANAMO", will be posted on this website soon.
To our friends
and supporters who came to the evening reception for Andy and Jason - thank you! We are so glad to have been able to break bread and
spend time with all of you, old friends and new. It was a great evening
of spirited conversation, enjoying the rousing musical performance of David
Rovics and the passionate paintings on display by artist Sharon Gadsberry (used in her "Gitmo
101" video satirizing John Yoo's position at Berkeley Law). You are part of a very important community of
resistance, and we thank you for your generous financial donations to our work
to close Guantánamo and stop the torture.
but, accountability for those responsible and compensation to survivors would be a good place to start.
Regardless of the law's applicability to U.S. citizens, indefinite detention in a military facility without charge can be tantamount to torture, causing profound health consequences...
"The US has a legal obligation to investigate these crimes... If the US doesn't act on them, other countries should. - Kenneth Roth, executive director of Human Rights Watch
Spanish judge resumes Guantanamo investigation"Today, prisoners at Guantanamo will embark on a peaceful protest, involving sit-ins and hunger strikes, to protest about their continued detention, and the continued existence of the prison at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, three years after President Obama came to office promising to close it within a year, and to show their appreciation of the protests being mounted on their behalf by US citizens, who are gathering in Washington D.C. on Wednesday to stage a rally and march to urge the President to fulfill his broken promise...

Ten years ago, on Jan 9, 2002, John Yoo and Robert Delahunty wrote the
infamous memo which argued that the Geneva Conventions did not apply to the
treatment of prisoners who were Al Qaeda or Taliban or "non-state" or rogue
state combatants. This memo had the cornerstone effect of providing a green
light for the harsh treatment of detainees in Abu Ghraib, Guantanamo, and CIA "black
sites" worldwide.
why 28 Minnesotans marched through the Skyways of downtown Minneapolis
UC Berkeley Billboard

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Events & Calendars
Important Reading
Physicians for Human RightsBroken Laws, Broken Lives
NLG White Paper
The President's Executioner
Detention and torture in Guantanamo