Curt Wechsler, The World Can't Wait: June 2013 Archives

June 27 - The City of Northampton [MA] went on record to oppose the continued operation of the prison at Guantanamo Bay. In the final reading of the "Resolution Calling for Justice in Guantánamo Bay", the City Council voted 7-1 that it "opposes the continued existence of the Guantánamo Bay detention center and the violation of rule of law that it represents, and calls for all its prisoners to be charged or released."

The resolution was introduced by Councilor Owen Freeman-Daniels, and in part written by the American Friends Service Committee and local activist Nancy Talanian, a founder of the "No More Guantanamos" group.

11485_407294062717193_1307439154_n-thumb-275x161-1686.jpgOriginally introduced on Thursday, June 20, the resolution was spoken of by Northampton resident Paki Wieland. On Tuesday, Ms. Wieland was arrested in Washington D.C. at a broad act of civil disobedience protesting the continued existence of the prison. Ms. Wieland concurred with City Councilor President Bill Dwight's description of the facility as an "obscenity" that stains the character of the United States.

"As today is the International Day in Support of Victims of Torture, initiated by the United Nations in 1997, on the 10th anniversary of the the day that the UN Convention against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment came into force, I'd like to take this opportunity to promote a newly released half-hour documentary film, 'Culture of Impunity,' for which I was interviewed along with the law professor and author Marjorie Cohn, the professor, author and filmmaker Saul Landau, the author and activist David Swanson, Laura Pitter of Human Rights Watch, and Stephen Rohde of the ACLU.
long-term solitary confinement = torture 

People imprisoned at Pelican Bay State Prison in California have called for a Nationwide Hunger Strike to begin on July 8, 2013. They have also issued a call for unity among people from different racial groups, inside and outside the prisons. People who are locked down in segregation units of this society's prisons, condemned as the "worst of the worst," are standing up against unjust conditions amounting to torture, asserting their humanity in the process. 


Stop Mass Incarceration Network is launching the campaign to support the just struggle of California Prisoners and their 5 demands, and end the torture of 80,000 prisoners in solitary confinement in U.S. prisons. We must act now with urgency - to change public opinion and organize mass political resistance so the prisoners are not forced to take the desperate step of going on hunger strike and putting their lives on the line.

photo: June 21 rally at Powell & Market 

in San Francisco


Monday, June 17, San Francisco

Today World Can't Wait called a rush hour protest vigil and speak-out in downtown San Francisco on Market Street, demanding:  No Government Spying on Whole Populations!  Hands Off Edward Snowden and Bradley Manning! Close Guantanamo Now!

The action drew together 30 people to stand up and speak out together: World Can't Wait, School of the Americas Watch, religious activists, Code Pink, Vets for Peace.  Others showed up too, several carrying their own homemade signs.  We had a bullhorn for agitation and speakers, five people wore the jumpsuits and hoods, others lofted the big banners.  We had a display of some letters from Guantanamo prisoners recently published in the Yemen Times.  Commuters and tourists were snapping pictures;  some would listen for a few minutes and then approach one of us to talk, or walk into the circle and put money into the donation can.

A US doctor and two lawyers Wednesday called for an end to force-feeding prisoners on hunger strike at Guantanamo Bay, saying the practice goes against medical ethics and is a form of assault.

The joint statement issued Friday by Senators Feinstein and McCain, with White House Chief of Staff Denis McDonough, sidestepped the escalating hunger strike crisis. If these politicians weren't concerned about the impending death of dozens of illegally held individuals, what was the purpose of their visit? 

Read more here:
Phone-records-data-010.jpgsupporting an administration I so desperately want to succeed, only to watch the snowballing impact of administrative overreach confound any conceivable notion of liberty I may hold. 

 -- reader responds to President Obama's Dragnet

UC Berkeley Billboard

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War Criminals Watch Events

Important Reading

Physicians for Human Rights
Broken Laws, Broken Lives

NLG White Paper

The President's Executioner

Detention and torture in Guantanamo

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