Curt Wechsler, The World Can't Wait: September 2013 Archives
Ignorance about what's going down at Guantanamo would require willful suspension of history. The desperate hunger strike actions of prisoners in America's concentration camp has forced a public accounting of the brutal conditions endured. The latest attempt by our government to suppress resistance to U.S. torture policy will fail to relieve the burden of responsibility for crimes against humanity.
officials at the Guantanamo Bay prison camp announced today that they would
stop automatically releasing the numbers of detainees being tracked as hunger
strikers and those being force-fed. The hunger strike, which began in February
and once involved the vast majority of Guantanamo's low-value detainees, has been carried on by just 19 of the facility's 164 prisoners for the past two weeks.
War Criminals Watch is dedicated to generating public pressure to indict accused war criminals, and supports student actions to demilitarize their university.

Surfing the liberal media these days you'd get the impression that the American public has "won" a tactical battle over Syria. Unfortunately the reward is absolution for the criminal acts of their government. Illusions of innocence come at a heavy price to the rest of humanity.
The exceptional violence unleashed on the Middle East and Africa by the Obama administration has received unparalleled support by his constituency. And that is the primary danger of the anti-war establishment's abdication to institutional resolution: systemic breaches of morality to "justify" imperialist demands.
Rulers depend on approval of the governed for legitimacy. Many of us are not OK with our peers' exchange of righteous indignation for complacent states of mind.
Three decades after the U.S. started destroying its own chemical weapons, the nation's stockpile stands at more than 3,000 tons -- about three times what the U.S. now says Syrian President Bashar Assad controls.
John Yoo's "constitutional" arguments in opposition to the Chemical Weapons Convention serve to expose the imperialist intentions behind presumptive U.S. policing of international law.
10 Chemical Weapons Attacks Washington Doesn't Want You to Talk About

The debate about Who gets to commit the supreme international war crime is illegitimate on its face. There is simply no basis for Congress to "vote" support for violation of international law.
Opines about executive powers aside, the President is not above the law.

"I guess the Zimmerman precedent isn't enough down in Florida. A Florida man is citing both the state's Stand Your Ground law and the so-called "Bush Doctrine" to justify shooting and killing two neighbors at a Labor Day Barbecue. -- Josh Marshall, editor and publisher of

UC Berkeley Billboard

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Important Reading
Physicians for Human RightsBroken Laws, Broken Lives
NLG White Paper
The President's Executioner
Detention and torture in Guantanamo