Curt Wechsler, The World Can't Wait: May 2014 Archives

New 1st Circuit Court of Appeals judge David Barron advised Obama that he has the authority to execute anyone, anywhere, for any reason the President deems fit. What kind of human being makes such an assessment?
"America's professional class has traditionally enjoyed a privileged position at the top of middlebrow America's aspirational hierarchy. At the core of our admiration for doctors, lawyers and bankers was the presumption that these learned men and women adhered to strict codes of ethics. Doctors healed, lawyers respected the law and bankers didn't steal...
When they did, there'd be hell to pay, not least from their brethren.
John Yoo rejects the
widely-accepted framework built on the U.N. Charter and replaces it with a new
system consisting of defensive, pre-emptive, or preventive measures to
encourage wars that advance global welfare...
A university that
allows a war criminal to teach constitutional and international law courses to
the next generation of lawyers and judges under prejudice of 'academic freedom'
is protecting war crimes. The legal profession now produces an ideology that includes
justification of crimes of arbitrary detention, torture, and trials before military
commissions bereft of civil due process. Faced with the challenge of moral
relativism popularized in today's schools, will students find the courage to speak
out against the crimes of their government?
We demand application of ethical standards administrators choose to ignore. Professor Sujit Choudhry could use his new position as Berkeley Law Dean to teach the practice of law to protect peoples' rights. Will he?
History has demonstrated the futility of petitioning the jailer. The President's intractable defense of the status quo at Guantanamo is powered by the necessities of empire. America's torture camps are but one manifestation of the suffering occasioned by U.S. domination of the planet.
Former detainee Adnan Latif wrote "Where is the world to save us from torture? Where is the world to save the hunger strikers?" Cleared for release, Adnan died waiting for justice. Today 17 men face the same end unless people of conscience kick up some serious resistance to unchecked executive power.
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Important Reading
Physicians for Human RightsBroken Laws, Broken Lives
NLG White Paper
The President's Executioner
Detention and torture in Guantanamo